Useful links
I work synergistically with specialist practitioners in order to offer my patients a wide range of helpful therapies to complement my care. I believe the practitioners listed here meet the values of my Healing Vision and are often at the top of their specialist area.
The links below also include organisations which provide information related to the therapies I offer. If have any questions about any of them, please ask me.
Contact us
Endobiogenic Medicine
Institut Belge d'Endobiogénie et de Physiologie Integrative
Société Internationale de Médecine Endobiogénique et de Physiologie Intégrative
Society of Endobiogenic Medicine and Integrative Physiology - UK
Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists
Natural Dispensary (for supplements) - cite my account (TERRA10) when ordering and receive a 10% discount
Nutri-Link (for supplements) - cite account BISC.S1 or mention my name when ordering to receive a 10% discount
Elisa Burato (structural, visceral and cranial osteopathy; special interest in women's health, pre/post natal care and fertility related issues): and mobile: +44(0)7985516371
Chris Harris (osteopathy, cranial osteopathy and osteodontic specialist)
Psychotherapists and Other Psycho-spiritual Therapies
Psicologia Londra (Network of Italian psychologists in London and UK, supporting the Italian community): and mobile: +44(0)7426823227
Systemic/Family Constellations
The Centre for Systemic Constellations